We are offering a one-day workshop with lesson plans for teachers free of charge. Following are our workshop offerings. 

Course 1: gizDuino LIN-UNO (Arduino UNO) Quick Start Guide 

Course Duration : 1 day

gizDuino line is a range of Arduino compatible products, locally designed and made by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central. gizDuino uses the same language and programming tools (IDE) as the Arduino. Working a project with a gizDuino is exactly the same as with the Arduino. 

gizDuino LIN-UNO is 100% code compatible with Arduino Uno. Several hardware enhancements (that are not available in the Arduino UNO) includes a built-in I/O port monitor and the LIN interface.

This workshop is for first time Arduino/gizDuino Users. The program aim is to jumpstart the participants journey to Arduino programming  by:

    1. Introducing the necessary programming tools and hardware.

    2. Setup your own PC with the required software (and drivers, if needed).

    3. Build simple interface circuits on a breadboard and  connect these to a gizDuino LIN-UNO board.

    4. Create simple programs and run them.

    5. Introduce basic debugging techniques using USB serial monitor.

A gizDuino LIN-UNO starter kit will be provided for this hands-on training. Please bring your own laptop PC.

Note: Participants must posses some programming skill, preferably a working knowledge in C  or related language.

What not to expect: Arduino programming full coverage. Mastery of the language will require  weeks of training even for a seasoned programmer.

Special offer to participants:

You are entitled to a 50% discount off our published price if you decide to own a gizDuino LIN-UNO starter kit (1 set) within a week after the training.

Course 2: Kto12 Learner's Mobile Robot

Course Duration: 1 day

Kto12 is a cost effective Mobile Robot especially designed for young learners. Learners can program the behavior of the robot to their liking by literally assembling a set of graphical block of codes. This robot is fitted with a number of sensors and devices that the learners can use to make the robot react to outside stimulus. It is guaranteed to provide days of fun learning, while at the same time exposing the young learners with the state-of-the-art technologies and programming skills that may someday inspire them to become scientists and technology innovators. A low cost but invaluable learning tool for schools who want to be at the forefront of STEM approach to education.

No programming experience is required.

    1. Introduce the necessary programming tools and hardware.

    2. Setup your own PC with the required software (and drivers, if needed).

    3. Discuss the hardware features of the Kto12 Robot.

    4. Walk through the Ardublock - graphical programming software for the Kto12 Robot.

    5. Create your first programs and run them.

A Kto12 Robot will be provided for this hands-on training. Please bring your own laptop PC.

Special offer to participants:

You are entitled to a 50% discount off our published price if you decide to own a Kto12 Robot (1 set) within a week after the training.

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