#ifndef _INETGSM_H_ #define _INETGSM_H_ #define BUFFERSIZE 1 #include "SIM900.h" class InetGSM { private: char _buffer[BUFFERSIZE]; public: int httpGET(const char* server, int port, const char* path, char* result, int resultlength); int httpPOST(const char* server, int port, const char* path, const char* parameters, char* result, int resultlength); // Fast and dirty solution. Should make a "mail" object. And by the moment it does not run. int openmail(char* server, char* loginbase64, char* passbase64, char* from, char* to, char* subj); int closemail(); int attachGPRS(char* domain, char* dom1, char* dom2); int dettachGPRS(); int connectTCP(const char* server, int port); int disconnectTCP(); int connectTCPServer(int port); boolean connectedClient(); // This runs, yes //int tweet(const char* token, const char* msg); }; #endif