/* modified 12 Aug 2013 by Soohwan Kim (suhwan@wiznet.co.kr) */ #ifndef ethernet_h #define ethernet_h #include #include "./utility/w5100.h" #include "IPAddress.h" #include "EthernetClient.h" #include "EthernetServer.h" #include "Dhcp.h" class EthernetClass { private: IPAddress _dnsServerAddress; DhcpClass* _dhcp; public: static uint8_t _state[MAX_SOCK_NUM]; static uint16_t _server_port[MAX_SOCK_NUM]; // Initialise the Ethernet shield to use the provided MAC address and gain the rest of the // configuration through DHCP. // Returns 0 if the DHCP configuration failed, and 1 if it succeeded int begin(uint8_t *mac_address); void begin(uint8_t *mac_address, IPAddress local_ip); void begin(uint8_t *mac_address, IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server); void begin(uint8_t *mac_address, IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server, IPAddress gateway); void begin(uint8_t *mac_address, IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet); #if defined(WIZ550io_WITH_MACADDRESS) // Initialize function when use the ioShield serise (included WIZ550io) // WIZ550io has a MAC address which is written after reset. // Default IP, Gateway and subnet address are also writen. // so, It needs some initial time. please refer WIZ550io Datasheet in details. int begin(void); void begin(IPAddress local_ip); void begin(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server); void begin(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server, IPAddress gateway); void begin(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress dns_server, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet); #endif int maintain(); IPAddress localIP(); IPAddress subnetMask(); IPAddress gatewayIP(); IPAddress dnsServerIP(); friend class EthernetClient; friend class EthernetServer; }; extern EthernetClass Ethernet; #endif